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April 9, 2004
Now Where Did I Put My ...

Have you ever had a feeling that you forgot something? Did you ever leave the house and suddenly remember that your wallet was on the dresser instead in your pants pocket? Surely most of us have walked away from our desks at the office and left the report we were supposed to bring to the meeting.

If so, then this may sound familiar, even if the stakes are somewhat higher:

A federal air marshal accidentally left her gun in a restroom at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, an airport spokeswoman said Friday. A passenger found the semiautomatic handgun Thursday and notified an airport employee. The employee then told airport police, who secured the weapon, said the spokeswoman, Pat Smith.

"They later found it belonged to a federal air marshal who apparently was using the restroom and put it up on the shelf while she was washing her hands and forgot about it," Smith said.

A spokesman for the federal Air Marshal Service conjectured that the absent-minded agent would probably be suspended. I would certainly hope so. A gun, especially one that has already passed security check stations, isn't the same as a report for a meeting or a wallet. All it would have taken is a little bad luck, and that foolish brain fade could have cost hundreds of people their lives had it gotten on board a plane in the wrong hands.

An "oops, sorry" simply doesn't cut it any more.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at April 9, 2004 10:10 PM

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