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August 6, 2004
Bush Approval Numbers Trending Upwards: Rasmussen

Rasmussen reports in its daily tracking poll that George Bush's approval numbers have risen to their highest point since before the Democratic convention, showing a remarkable resiliency and the ineffectiveness of the rehashed attacks on display at Fleet Center last week:

Fifty-three percent (53%) of American voters say they approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Another 46% disapprove.

The past three days represent the President's highest ratings since the Democratic National Convention began. In fact, today's reading is the highest in over a month. Bush has reached the 53% Approval level just three times since mid-May.

Among those who work in the private sector, 58% give the President their Approval. Just 49% of government employees do the same. Among those who are retired, Bush earns a 51% Approval rating.

As one might expect, Bush's approval rating dropped for a period of time after the close of the convention -- by a point, and only for three days. After that, Bush has rebounded to his best numbers since late winter, and even when it dropped, it never went below 50%.

While the head-to-head numbers have not changed -- Kerry remains ahead but inside the margin of error -- one other question should give the Kerry campaign some nightmares, considering Kerry's emphasis today on NPR on getting out of Iraq as quickly as possible. A majority of those polled feel that stabilizing Iraq as a free and democratic country is more important than bringing American troops home, 51%-39%. That twelve-point gap will loom large as the Democrats continue to advocate a cut-and-run strategy.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 6, 2004 1:50 PM

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