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August 7, 2004
The Democrats' Idea Of "Religious Outreach": Shut Up About God

The director of the Democratic Party's two-week-old effort at "religious outreach" resigned yesterday in an effort to quell mounting criticism at her selection after filing an amicus brief supporting the removal of the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance:

The director of religious outreach for the Democratic Party says she resigned this week because of criticism over her support for removing the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Democratic National Committee is seeking a replacement for the Rev. Brenda Bartella Peterson, who resigned Wednesday after serving less than two weeks in the newly created position. DNC spokesman Jano Cabrera said the party had nothing more to add to her resignation statement. ...

On Wednesday, Peterson resigned and cited "recent negative publicity" from the amicus brief in the pledge case that she and 31 other members of the clergy signed.

Tone-deafness abounds at the DNC. Did they think that Rev. Peterson represented mainstream Christian thinking? Perhaps trapped in their echo chamber, they actually did. However, religious Christians, both conservative and liberal, remain concerned about efforts to drive their religion from the public square. While some may not place a large emphasis on the Pledge issue -- I think it's really rather minor -- having someone who actively worked to have it struck down by judicial decree confirms the worst fears about Democratic activism against public religious expression. Selecting a clergyperson who thinks that Christians will be happy to disavow God reveals a complete lack of understanding about Christians, their concerns, and their viewpoint.

It's a measure of how far left the Democrats have gone over the last election cycle. The radicals are truly in charge -- which may explain why they keep insisting that John Kerry, despite his outlier Senate record, is a centrist. That could only be true of a group that observes politics from the International ANSWER/Deaniac perspective.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 7, 2004 8:29 AM

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