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September 18, 2004
Another Burkett-Kerry Connection?

As Dan Rather might put it, a strong preponderance of evidence points to Bill Burkett as the culprit behind the forgeries that CBS used to smear George Bush. His lawyer, David Van Os, turns out to be a powerful man in the Texas Democratic Party, as Power Line shows us this morning. Here's a partial list of Van Os' accomplishments from his resume:

* Travis County Democratic Precinct Chairman
* Travis County Democratic Party Chairman
* Bexar County Democratic Precinct Chairman

Another interesting item on Van Os' CV is the final entry, where he notes his assistance in Palm Beach County, Florida, in Democratic efforts for the recounts in the 2000 Presidential election. No doubt that Van Os is well-known for his 30-year party-building work, and as he has now run for the Texas Supreme Court twice (including his current campaign), he has built a strong level of support within Democratic Party leadership.

So how does such a well-connected man within Democratic circles wind up as Burkett's mouthpiece? I can understand why Burkett would want Van Os as his attorney, but why would Van Os want a fringe fire-breather like Burkett as a client, especially this close to his own election? Having any connection to Burkett will likely be fatal to Van Os' hopes for November in Texas.

Could it be to give Burkett a connection to the Democrats that would be protected by attorney-client privelege? Is Van Os involved in Burkett's dirty-tricks campaign while running for the Texas Supreme Court? One thing is certain: his relationship with Burkett allows the long-time Bush hater easy access to the highest levels of the Democratic Party, and if Burkett followed Max Cleland's advice, Van Os' relationship would have made it quite easy for Burkett to be received at Kerry's campaign headquarters.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at September 18, 2004 7:29 AM

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» Rathergate Update: A Kerry Connection? from Watcher of Weasels
Allah speculates about the possibility that CBS might have actually gotten the forged documents from Bill Burkett via the Kerry Campaign, rather than directly from Burkett himself...  there's an interesting post about this over at Blogs for Bush, ... [Read More]

Tracked on September 18, 2004 10:40 PM

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