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November 3, 2004
Kerry's Concession

I'm watching John Kerry prepare to make his concession speech on Fox News, and I'll live-blog it. I probably won't get the chance to do that with the President's speech because of some appointments...

12:55 CT: Teresa Heinz Kerry and her family have entered the Boston hall where Kerry will make his concession speech. She looks exhausted. I wonder if she might be relieved it's over...

12:56 - Kerry has just been announced and is taking the stage, broadly smiling ...

12:57 - Edwards will speak first, interestingly enough. He promises to continue to "fight for every vote", even though they're conceding. That seems to me to be a very ungracious thing to say -- as if the administration is suppressing the vote. Edwards just can't escape the urban-legend pimping ...

1:00 - Edwards gets more to the point, showering Kerry with praise and exhorting their supporters to stay involved. This is how he should have started his speech ...

1:03 - Edwards introduces Kerry. If the Massachussetts Senator is smart, he'll keep it brief ...

1:04 - Frankly, a terrific start, making Edwards look like a piker, and a rejection of the idea that elections should be won in court ...

1:07 - I just saw the first genuine emotion from John Kerry during this campaign, and the crowd really responded. Like Al Gore, he saved his best for his valediction, it appears...

1:10 - Kerry thanks his "band of brothers" for speaking the truth. One assumes he excuses David Alston, of course. Perhaps the Senator might finally consider apologizing to the rest of his fellow Vietnam veterans for slandering them and creating a political career off of their suffering? ....

1:13 - Why all the childrens' stories? I don't really get that. One would be enough. This speech has started sounding like a Senatorial ramble. It's stopped being inspiring and has become rather mundane and boring ...

1:15 - "Whether or not our candidate wins, we all wake up as Americans, and that is the greatest privilege" ... That was a good rhetorical flourish, and now he uses that to call for an end to a partisan divide. He's back on track, at least for now ...

1:19 - A good speech by an exhausted and emotional candidate -- not a great speech, but occasionally inspiring. What can one do with a concession speech? He did a better job than his running mate.

CNN is a bit cynical about the Kerry/Edwards calls for unity, interestingly enough -- they all say the bipartisanship will last exactly long enough to get to the first judicial nomination. I tend to agree. The Democrats have fueled themselves for four years on hatred, and that addiction will be hard to shake. However, trying to block nominations in a Senate in which they have a ten-seat disadvantage will be positively Quixotic, and a sign that the Democrats learned nothing from the last two elections.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 3, 2004 12:46 PM

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» Kerry's concession speech from Neutiquam erro...
-John Edwards can't even force a smile anymore. -Kerry's expression is... well... the same as it's ever been, Botoxed. -Thank goodness we've been spared from any more of Teresa's "candor." [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 1:21 PM

» John Kerry's Concession Speech from Outside The Beltway
WaPo has live video feed. A transcript will follow. Update (1445): No transcript as of yet, but "Captain Ed" Morrissey has a live blog. I never could get the video to work. [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 1:45 PM

» Kerry Concession Speech from Wes Roth
This day can't get any better. Kerry delivers concession speech: DEVELOPING... UPDATE: Captain's Quarter's live-blogged the speech.... [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 1:58 PM

» McAuliffe the BIG Loser from Skippy's Thoughts
Captain's Quarters Blog has a great quote about how Terry McAuliffe is the biggest loser in this all: The biggest loser, in my mind, will not be John Kerry, whose limitations as a candidate were well known prior to his elevation as party stan... [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 2:30 PM

» Kerry Concession Speech from Wes Roth
This day can't get any better. Kerry delivers concession speech: DEVELOPING... UPDATE: Captain's Quarter's live-blogged the speech. Juicee News Daily has a copy of the transcript (with a great pic).... [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 2:39 PM

» McAuliffe the BIG Loser from BroncoBlog
Captain's Quarters Blog has a great quote about how Terry McAuliffe is the biggest loser in this all: The biggest loser, in my mind, will not be John Kerry, whose limitations as a candidate were well known prior to his... [Read More]

Tracked on November 3, 2004 6:29 PM

» Mandate This! from Watcher of Weasels
Well, Kerry and Edwards conceded...  but could someone please tell John Edwards to stop harping on this “making sure every vote counts” stuff, which only makes him sound unwilling to accept a defeat that he should by now know he... [Read More]

Tracked on November 4, 2004 1:33 AM

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