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November 23, 2004
Northern Alliance Team Takes The Sprirt Of America Challenge!


The Northern Alliance is proud to sponsor a team for the Spirit of America "Friends of Iraq" Challenge. SoA provides support and provisions for our fighting men and women in Iraq who want to help rebuild the country and create the kind of friendship with freedom-loving Iraqis that can transform the region. You can donate with the Northern Alliance team at this link.

We're competing with other bloggers to raise more funds than any other team, and the NARN guys have targeted Jeff Jarvis for defeat. Jeff has his big team of media stars, while the Northern Alliance has ... er ... me. And Mitch. Yeah, we're a couple of great looking guys -- okay, I'm lying, we have faces made for radio. But we do have the movie-star looks of The Elder and Saint Paul at Fraters Libertas, the financial wizardry of King Banaian at SCSU Scholars, and the scary lawyers of Power Line, Big Trunk and Rocket Man.

Doesn't that sound like a media empire to you?

Remember, it's all in good fun for a great cause, but if we catch you donating through Jeff's team, we'll sic Trunk and Rocket on you, and if that doesn't work, Mitch will date your daughters. (Trust me -- a bad thing.)

UPDATE: Hey, we're in the lead! I knew that Mitch would frighten the fathers of America into action ...

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 23, 2004 7:13 AM

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