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January 11, 2005
Weekly Standard: Whitewash

Jonathan Last writes an excellent (and blessedly brief, if you've been reading my posts) on the CBS report. I highly recommend that everyone read "Whitewash", even though it isn't exactly complimentary to my initial analysis. I still think that the CBS report does a lot more damage than Last and Hugh Hewitt think, but they are absolutely correct that the result whitewashes the political-bias angle at CBS.

Keep scrolling down here at CQ for much more detailed analysis on that score.

NOTE: For those of you who think we're still taking this too easily, I did do a rather extensive analysis of the bias evident in the report. It had to wait until I could get home from work and read the panel report in detail. It's very long (4200 words), but I think it captures the pre-publication decision points that clearly demonstrate a political bias from Mapes and from CBS.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 11, 2005 7:47 AM

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