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February 15, 2005
Hospiblogging, Day 2: Still On Track

I had a chance to spend a little time with the First Mate this morning before running to the office to catch up on some project work and make sure the building still stands. She was weak but alert this morning, and the staff at the hospital tell me they're very pleased with her progress. Because of the post-op steroids she received, her blood sugar levels went up a bit after I left, so she's on an insulin drip. However, this is a normal procedure after any pancreas transplant, and her blood sugars never exceeded 150. Normally, steroids would have sent her BGL into the stratosphere, into the 400s or even 500s. Her kidney functions look normal and her blood pressure has been very good, despite the excess fluid from the surgery.

She's not feeling especially chipper, but I plan on reading to her a selection of the many messages of support and prayer that have come her way through you when I go back at mid-afternoon. I'll spend the rest of the evening with her there, probably mostly blogging while she dozes.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 15, 2005 9:00 AM

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