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February 20, 2005
Hospiblogging, Day 7: Looking Good

Just wanted to update everyone on the First Mate's progress. She has been switched to a liquid diet instead of strictly IV intake, and that has proven to be a success. When she had her first broth-and-Jello meal, her blood sugar shot up to 205, but with her last one it went to 140. The pancreas appears to be adjusting itself for its new role, and that adjustment will continue over the next few weeks. The doctors expect Marcia to require small insulin supplements for a couple of weeks after she's released, but that will taper off quickly.

She won't come home for at least a couple of days, it appears. They want to see better reaction from her digestive system for one thing, and they also want to continue tracking her labs on an in-patient basis for a while longer. I'm hoping for tomorrow, but it may be Tuesday before she's ready to go. Or, more accurately, before the doctors are ready to let her go. I can assure you she's ready to go now.

I'm heading back up to the hospital in a few minutes for a short second visit before going to dinner with Vayapaso to my son's in-laws, who always have their house open to us. We're pretty lucky to have the extended family support that we have in Minnesota, and believe me, we count the McDonalds as some of our most prominent blessings. And they're making chili! On a snowy day like today, it doesn't get much better than that.

More later!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 20, 2005 3:20 PM

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