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February 23, 2005
First Mate Update, Day 3

I've received a number of requests for an update on the First Mate, now that she's home and recovering from the surgery. She's had her share of difficulties, most of them minor. She got motion sickness on the way home and her stomach still hasn't fully recovered from that. She's taking Compazine for the nausea, which does help some with maintaining her fluid intake, but she has little appetite, which the doctors say is normal. When she does eat, her digestion is erratic and we've tended to overcorrect for it, which we need to take care not to do.

However, she's very upbeat even when she's low on energy, which still is almost all day. The biggest story -- note how I buried the lead? -- is that the FM hasn't had to get an injection of insulin since Sunday. Her pre-meal blood sugars have not gone above 150, and only above 110 once since she's been home. Her diabetes seems to have disappeared nicely, although we haven't seen what a decent-sized meal might do to her profile. She sprinkled a little powdered sugar on a piece of French toast and added a couple of sausages for her breakfast this morning, which she finished, and for lunch her BGL was 93. Perfect!

Again, Marcia wants to thank all of you who keep writing and praying for her during her recovery. Don't forget to add Kevin McCullough's mother-in-law to your prayer list while you're at it, too.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at February 23, 2005 12:27 PM

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» from What Attitude Problem?
Captain Ed Morrisey has a really great update on The First Mate now that she's home from the hospital. Aside from the usual rough moments one would expect after a major overhaul, there's still this:The biggest story -- note how [Read More]

Tracked on February 23, 2005 12:56 PM

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