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August 2, 2005
DNC: Please Never Take Us Seriously Again

My apologies and newfound respect go out to Jay Carson, who apparently got out of the DNC just before the roof caved in on common sense and rationality. The Howard Dean-led DNC has decided to deride President Bush for staying physically fit while in office:

WASHINGTON, Aug. 1 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The following is a fact sheet released today by the Democratic National Committee:

The White House this weekend announced that
President Bush received good news during his annual physical. Doctors pronounced the President to be in "superior" physical condition, which media reports attributed to his rigorous, six day a week exercise routine. While President Bush has made physical fitness a personal priority, his cuts to education funding have forced schools to roll back physical education classes and his Administration's efforts to undermine Title IX sports programs have threatened thousands of women's college sports programs.

"President Bush's has dropped the ball when it comes to fully funding physical education in public schools and women's athletic programs at the college level," said Democratic National Committee spokesman Josh Earnest. "His personal habits indicate that physical fitness is not just fun and games for him. Don't our kids deserve the same opportunities to be physically fit? President Bush should stop running from his responsibility and make sure that all American children have access to physical fitness programs."

The Anchoress attempts to instruct the DNC on how to respond rationally to good news:

ATTENTION DEMOCRATS: If you want to be taken seriously - at all - in the next two elections, then you must learn appropriate responses. In this case, the appropriate response to good news about the president’s health is this:

We are happy to hear that President Bush enjoys good health, and we wish him continued good health as we proceed to work with him when we can, and in loyal oppostition when we feel we must, for the good of the nation we all cherish.

That’s called…A MATURE RESPONSE.

What I find most hilarious about the DNC screed is its implicit stance that unfit children somehow equate to government failure. Why? Does it take a government program to get kids off the TV and video game box? Does it take a village to strap a pair of athletic shoes on a kid and have him jog? Do we need government oversight to have people make sure that kids eat healthy?

Or maybe ... just maybe ... George Bush isn't everyone's daddy, nor Laura the national mommy. Perhaps the parents of these children should take some responsibility for their health -- as the Bushes have for themselves and their healthy daughters.

Joining me in laughing ourselves silly over this insipid attack spot are Michelle Malkin, Polipundit, and Lyflines.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 2, 2005 12:00 PM

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» They'll Attack Bush Over Anything... Anything from Blogs for Bush
We know obesity is a problem in this country, and normally it is something people want to fight against... We criticize the Super-Size Culture which gives us ridiculously sized portions and ultimately results in the occasional lawsuit where a supposedl... [Read More]

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» You Know... from Slublog
I really do want to take these guys seriously again, but they have just got to get some leadership and ideas instead of doing stuff like this.... [Read More]

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