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June 19, 2006
Disabiliblogging Round-Up, Day 1: Six Degrees Of Connie Chung

In honor (or denial) of my temporarily disabled state, I offer the following roundup of political and cultural liabilities around the blogosphere. I don't think this will exactly be a trend, but it's good for a laugh for now:

In an apparent attempt to wrest the title of World's Worst Television Variety Presentation from Lifetime Achievement Award winner Chevy Chase, Connie Chung sings goodbye to her MS-NBC audience, her credibility, and any respect she still might have in broadcasting. The Moderate Voice has the YouTube video and the sound. Trust me, the latter is worse than the former, but that ain't saying much ...

Ankle-Biting Pundits picks up on the Democrats' plan to combat the "culture of corruption" in Congress by making impeached former judge Alcee Hastings their chair of the House Intelligence Committee. That's somewhat akin to improving Connie Chung's singing by having her accompanied by PDQ Bach. I covered it here two weeks ago ...

Speaking of Congress, the Influence Peddler notes that a judge has strongly indicated that our elected representatives do not belong to a sanctuary movement, and that the FBI can indeed enforce a search warrant on Congressional offices ...

In a case of handicapping one's opponents, Betsy Newmark's academic team won the National Scholastic Championship Quiz Bowl -- and beat the national champions to do it. Congratulations, Betsy -- but please do not let your team watch the Connie Chung video, or they may lose twenty IQ points ....

Academia proves that no conspiracy theory or moonbat explanation is too ridiculous not to have at least a couple of dozen professors willing to support it -- and Michelle Malkin's got the goods. I think they may have watched Connie Chung in real time, myself ....

Sachi at Big Lizards has been all over the Dixie Chicks, who sing better than Connie Chung if anyone wanted to listen to them. On the other hand, that is damning with faint praise, isn't it? ....

The Anchoress has a book list from her readers. I would prefer something lighter, like Connie Chung's Musical Method To Greatness ...

We kid, Connie. We kid because we love you. Now please promise never to do that again, and we will recall that CBS could have had you doing the Evening News instead of Dan Rather. We prefer his swan song to yours anytime!

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at June 19, 2006 2:36 PM

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» A very light round-up from The Anchoress
I’ve had difficulty focusing today - lots of people between the ages of 21 and 17 seem to be coming in and out of the house, and there is mulch and stuff on the floor, and ukulele music…it’s all very confusing and trying…so I&#... [Read More]

Tracked on June 19, 2006 5:35 PM

» The Knucklehead of the Day award from The Florida Masochist
Today's winner is Connie Chung. [Read More]

Tracked on June 20, 2006 5:32 AM


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