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July 28, 2006
Has Hezbollah Folded?

Hezbollah politicians have agreed in principle with the Saniora government to an international military force to occupy Lebanon and, more importantly, to disarm the "guerillas" that touched off the war:

Hezbollah politicians, while expressing reservations, have joined their critics in the government in agreeing to a peace package that includes strengthening an international force in south Lebanon and disarming the guerrillas, the government said.

The agreement — reached after a heated six-hour Cabinet meeting — was the first time that Hezbollah has signed onto a proposal for ending the crisis that includes the deploying of international forces.

The package falls short of American and Israeli demands in that it calls for an immediate cease-fire before working out details of a force and includes other conditions.

The agreement has its pitfalls. It calls for a broad approach to resolve the war, including a final determination of Shebaa Farms, presumably in Lebanon's favor. (The UN says it belongs to Syria as part of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, but Syria says it belongs to Lebanon.) The deal also calls for an Israeli withdrawal and an exchange of prisoners, which Israel has previously rejected.

However, it does contain an agreement by Hezbollah to disarm, While this could be a political manuever to make Israel look bad if they do not agree to it, an offer to disarm by Hezbollah in any context that does not include the destruction of Israel should send shockwaves through the jihadi community. Hezbollah has been called the finest Arab fighting force, especially since the demise of the Saddam Hussein regime. This will be seen -- rightly -- as a surrender to the Zionists in Israel and the democrats in Lebanon.

Israel should call Hezbollah's hand. If they are bluffing, it will be yet another major miscalculation. However, certain signs point to this being a serious offer.

First, Hassan Nasrallah has retreated to the shelter of his patrons, first in Damascus and then rumored to be hiding in the Iranian embassy. Second, his admission of setbacks to his troops indicate that he was already in some serious trouble with his fellow terrorists. This new offer makes it appear that a leadership change has occurred in Hezbollah -- and Nasrallah may wind up fleeing Lebanon altogether.

A disarmed Hezbollah will be a major victory for the West, and a reminder that talk only gets us so far, especially when dealing with fanatics. Sometimes war provides the only answer that they can understand -- and a massive defeat has to take place before change can occur.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at July 28, 2006 9:11 PM

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