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August 3, 2006
Oh, So That's Not What You Meant By 'Stabilizing'?

Sacre bleu! The French just figured out exactly what kind of stabilization Iran has in mind for the Middle East. Just days after his jaw-dropping description of the radical Iranian mullahcracy as a "stabilizing force" in the region, the French Foreign Minister had to eat his words:

Days after calling Iran a "stabilizing" force in the Middle East, French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy issued a statement harshly criticizing Iran's call on Thursday to destroy Israel.

"I totally condemn these words," Douste-Blazy said on France-Inter radio, in response to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's statement Thursday that the solution to the current Middle East crisis was to destroy Israel.

"Peace and security in Lebanon and its borders has to be preserved by the Lebanese government and people. Deployment of foreign forces is not acceptable in any shape unless it is just, based on UN rules and preserves the unity and territorial integrity of Lebanon," he said.

The words are "absolutely unacceptable on anyone's part, especially from a head of state," Douste-Blazy said.

Douste-Blazy said that the crisis had presented an opportunity for Iran to "show that it can play a positive and stabilizing role in the region," but added that Ahmadinejad's statement "confirmed that this is not the case."

Not to be rude, but no s**t, Sherlock. And France wonders why no one trusts them? It doesn't take a genius to understand that someone who keeps asking Europe to dismantle a sovereign nation and move them onto the Continent isn't interested in "stabilizing" the region. I'm not sure what Phillipe Douste-Blazy actually does for a living, but it certainly has nothing to do with actually reading what Iranian leaders have written and spoken for the last several months.

Perhaps Douste-Blazy has had a Road To Damascus moment today. At least one can hope that someone with the demonstrable cluelessness of Douste-Blazy has the capacity for some intellectual growth. Now maybe we can get some real progress not just on allowing Israel to complete its mission against Hezbollah but also regarding the mullahcracy's nuclear-weapons programs.

In the meantime, though, CQ would like to give Douste-Blazy the Captain Louis Renault award for being shocked, shocked! that Iran plays a malevolent role in international affairs. Notre Capitaine had an epiphany at the end of Casablanca about working with appeasers and collaborators in their pursuit of genocide. Dare we hope that Douste-Blazy also tosses the Vichy water into the trash and thinks about starting a beautiful friendship with the West?

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at August 3, 2006 1:41 PM

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