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November 2, 2006
Revisiting The Revolution

The Washington Examiner runs my new Blog Board column today on the transformation of American politics by Ronald Reagan. I touched on this a few days ago and extended my thoughts for the Examiner column:

After an economically and politically disastrous decade, Ronald Reagan won election and immediately began changing the paradigm.

He insisted that government created more problems than it solves and that the power of free markets would always outperform government agencies in creating economic opportunity. His policies transformed the American economy and began a massive growth cycle that has continued with only occasional lulls ever since.

During his time, Reagan received plenty of criticism for his view of government.

Now, however, it appears that the message has finally become accepted wisdom. CNN shows that a majority of Americans believe that government tries to do too much, even now, while only 37 percent believe it does not do enough. The liberal paradigm of Big Government solutions appears to have dissipated among the electorate.

The Reagan legacy will, I believe, only grow in wisdom and influence in the coming years.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at November 2, 2006 5:05 AM

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