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January 9, 2007
Still Delaying The Inevitable

I'm not sure how many more of these stories the American media can produce, but the Boston Globe seems intent on telling us -- again -- that John Kerry still has not decided to run for President in 2008:

After sending strong signals for two years about a second run for the presidency, Senator John F. Kerry has held no public political events in more than two months, even as his potential rivals ramp up their own campaigns.

Behind the scenes, Kerry has been more active, hiring several top operatives and hosting several major fund-raisers with Democratic activists, including a breakfast yesterday in New York City and a birthday event at his Beacon Hill home last month, where he raised $250,000.

Aides to the Massachusetts Democrat said he is still mulling whether he should run again for president in 2008. A decision is likely to be made before the end of the month.

But Kerry's low public profile in recent weeks has fueled some speculation in political circles that the 2004 presidential nominee will forgo another run, in recognition of the difficult task he probably would have in persuading primary voters to turn to him a second time. "I wouldn't be surprised if he sees the handwriting on the wall," said Alan Wolfe , a political science professor at Boston College. "I don't see any chance of him getting the nomination. The only question is, does he think he has a chance?"

Most people are already surprised that he didn't see the handwriting on the wall after 2004. Al Gore has more of a chance for a comeback than John Kerry. However, the last Democratic nominee has remained a specter in the 2008 campaign, albeit a minor one. No one calculates a Kerry run in a race where Hillary Clinton has all but announced her candidacy and those disaffected from Clinton yearn for an Obama challenge.

Kerry/s time has passed, and the last person to realize it is Kerry, or maybe it's the media who haven't figured it out. Kerry's low profile for the last two months indicates that he can indeed read that handwriting after all.

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Posted by Ed Morrissey at January 9, 2007 6:29 AM

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» Hold your breath: Kerry still undecided from Wizbang Politics
The media, at least, is breathless in anticipation of another run by the Massachusetts Senator. The rest of the world is pretty much just yawning. The latest "news" that Kerry still can't decide is reported at Captain's Quarters: Most people... [Read More]

Tracked on January 9, 2007 1:24 PM

» Hold your breath: Kerry still undecided from Wizbang Politics
The media, at least, is breathless in anticipation of another run by the Massachusetts Senator. The rest of the world is pretty much just yawning. The latest "news" that Kerry still can't decide is reported at Captain's Quarters: Most people... [Read More]

Tracked on January 9, 2007 1:26 PM

» Hold your breath: Kerry still undecided from Bill's Bites
Still Delaying The InevitableEd Morrissey I'm not sure how many more of these stories the American media can produce, but the Boston Globe seems intent on telling us -- again -- that John Kerry still has not decided to run [Read More]

Tracked on January 9, 2007 11:00 PM

» Hold your breath: Kerry still undecided from Old War Dogs
Still Delaying The Inevitable Ed Morrissey I'm not sure how many more of these stories the American media can produce, but the Boston Globe seems intent on telling us -- again -- that John Kerry still has not decided to [Read More]

Tracked on January 9, 2007 11:11 PM


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