March 22, 2007

Democrats Undone Over Iraq

William Butler Yeats wrote that "the center does not hold" in his famous poem, "The Second Coming", and Congress' new majority looks to prove it. The Democrats now face uprisings on both right and left flanks over the latest version of Cut and Run making its way to the House floor, and the prospects of passage even where filibusters cannot block votes appears very dim indeed:

Representative Dan Boren is a Democrat, but after visiting Iraq last week he announced a decision that puts him at odds with his party’s leaders: he intends to vote against their plan to set a deadline for troops to leave Iraq.

“A timeline, in effect, is cutting off the funds,” said Mr. Boren, a conservative second-term lawmaker whose territory covers the eastern swath of Oklahoma, from the bottom of Kansas to the top of Texas. “That is not the solution.”

His views have barely caused a ripple in his home district, but the House Democratic leadership has been working to keep Mr. Boren’s views from spreading through the party’s jittery conservative wing. At the same time, the leaders are trying to persuade liberals to support the legislation, even though it does not end the war nearly fast enough for their liking. ...

The consternation among Democrats on the left and the right has made the outcome of the vote far less certain than leaders had hoped, particularly after respected figures like Representative John Lewis, a liberal Georgia Democrat, declared his opposition, saying, “I will not and cannot vote for another dollar or another dime to support this war.”

In the days before the vote, Democrats said they were short of the 218 votes needed to pass the legislation. Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic majority leader, conceded, “If you are asking me, do I have 218 people that I know are definite yeses right this minute, the answer to that is no.”

The Democrats thought they rode to power on a wave of anti-war sentiment, but they have discovered that their victory had much more to do with Republican failures than with Democratic platforms. Most of their new members come from center-right districts where Democratic messages about corruption and abuses resonated -- but where they see Congress' role in Iraq as limited at best. Boren represents a typical Democratic pickup district in that respect.

Now that the Democratic leadership has gone on record as wanting to limit options for victory in Iraq, Nancy Pelosi and company find that these new representatives will not play along with them. The Blue Dogs understand that timetables represent nothing more than defunding efforts under another name. They will not vote for anything that smells of defeat and retreat, and their numbers indicate that the Democratic supplemental -- even filled with hometown pork for those on the fence -- will likely fail.

On top of that, the Out of Iraq caucus threatens the bill on the Left because it gets too cute with its defunding efforts. The Left wants a clean break -- complete defunding and an end to the deployment now. Maxine Waters has assumed the leadership of this faction, and her threat to withhold support of the supplemental would also doom the bill on just that basis alone. The Democrats have only a fifteen-seat majority, and while they may get a handful of Republicans to cross the aisle for this bill, they cannot hope to make up for the losses from the Blue Dogs and the antiwar caucus.

When the Democrats won their majority in November, I warned that the thin margin would likely prove more of a curse than a boon to Nancy Pelosi. In this case, at least, it certainly will play out that way. It makes her look ineffective and incoherent, and both antiwar and anti-corruption voters will scratch their heads to see a porked-up bill funding the war for eighteen months with ridiculous conditions slouching its way to the House floor, its hour come at last.


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» Timelines and Pork and Good News From Iraq from Wake up America-Question Their Humanity
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» 2007.03.22 Iraq/Iran Roundup from Bill's Bites
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» 2007.03.22 Iraq/Iran Roundup from Bill's Bites
Mahdis Fracturing, US Trying To Heal Them?Ed Morrissey The Mahdi Army, once a large structure ready to do Moqtada al-Sadr's bidding, has fractured under the weight of the US surge strategy. Hundreds of Mahdi commanders now take orders directly from [Read More]

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» Democrats are out buying votes to lose a war from Right Voices
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Comments (28)

Posted by NoDonkey [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 7:57 AM

The Democrats are increasingly being confronted, abused and assaulted by their own lunatic, anti-American base.

Hoisted by their own petards. It's a joy to watch.

The Democrats don't have a leadership capable of generating the anti-war/anti-American votes that the moonbat left wants.

The Democrat Congress does not have the ability to pass legislation and their approval ratings are already far below those of the Presidents.

Can't wait to see the moonbat left storm the barricades and eat their own. Maybe we're seeing the beginning of the end of the vile, corrupt and absolutely worthless Democrat Party.

Posted by chsw [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:02 AM

The looming question is - will the Blue Dogs become Republicans (as Senator Gramm did) or will Pelosi convince them to become Jackasses?


Posted by sam pender [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:06 AM

The only thing lower than President Bush's approval the approval rating of the Democratic Congress of confusion, corruption, and constipation.

Posted by Dale in Atlanta [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:18 AM


The Lunar Chiroptera Colony in Flight!

What a beyouteeful sight.......


Posted by mindnumbrobot [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:43 AM

Deadlock is not always such a bad thing. The less Congress is doing, the better.

Posted by David [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 9:18 AM

How hypocritical to put pork spending in the Iraq funding bill! It appears that the lessons of Viet Nam have not been lost on most members of congress.

Posted by Jamie Irons [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 9:49 AM


You wrote:

...and both antiwar and anti-corruption voters will scratch their heads to see a porked-up bill funding the war for eighteen months with ridiculous conditions slouching its way to the House floor, its hour come at last.

and this, like the whole piece, is superb. But to more completely echo Yeats (and who wouldn't want to do that!?), you should slightly edit the last few words to

...its hour come round at last.


Jamie Irons

Posted by Brooklyn [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 10:55 AM

so the media had it wrong?

the Nation is not supporting abandoning the Iraqi People?

i hope you are correct, and the bill fails.

it is meaningless, as it will be vetoed by the President.

but it is more of the Democrat PR campaign conception, like the vote to subpoena, but not to act on the subpoena, is designed for the cameras...

hell, they turned a Libby failure to have a good memory and a sound story, into the White House leaking to rebuke a so-called 'anti-war' activist.

the MSM remains the big problem for Conservatives, who may actually be able to help Washington, and win election after election, if it were not for the dramatic levels of unethical 'PRESS' manipulation.

so far, the Democrat run Congress looks like a children's playground.

Posted by Lightwave [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 11:13 AM

The looming question is - will the Blue Dogs become Republicans (as Senator Gramm did) or will Pelosi convince them to become Jackasses?


I think when Liebermann jumps ship later this year, he'll be followed by a number of Blue Dogs who will have finally realized that by definition, there can be no centrist position in the Kos Kids Kavalcade.

The only thing keeping the Dems in this is the media, and sites like this and other blogs telling it like it is are the biggest weapon we have against that bias. The truth is out there, and more and more people are getting their news...the real news...from the blogs on the right.

2008 is going to be a very rude awakening as the Dems are banished to third party status for a generation.

PS Ed, it's not Pelosi's "appearance" of incompetence that's the issue, it's her actual incompetence.

Posted by jerry [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 11:56 AM

Brooklyn has beaten me to punch on tying the US Attorney flap to the supplemental appropriation bill vote. The Democrats political strategy is rule or ruin. It is all about power and they are very willing to destroy the power of the Presidency for short term political gains. The war funding bill has actually thrown a monkey wrench into the strategy because it has opened fissures in the ranks. I have come to believe that Congressional Democrats have staged this little melodrama over the US Attorney firings to divert the public’s attention from their fumbling, bumbling and incompetent attempts to help Al Qaida win in Iraq.

You are right that they have no intention of pursuing the subpoenas because it is a losing game for them. They might get some district court judge to support their case but the constitutional question of the President’s authority to summarily remove political appointees was settled 80 years ago. They will lose at higher levels assuming that the SCOTUS would even bother to hear the xase. They are loath to get in between the other two Branches when they square off like this. This is just a side show to cover up their lack of leadership in Congress by creating a “Constitutional Crisis” for the MSM to focus on.

Posted by AnonymousDrivel [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 12:08 PM

"The Blue Dogs understand that timetables represent nothing more than defunding efforts under another name. They will not vote for anything that smells of defeat and retreat, and their numbers indicate that the Democratic supplemental -- even filled with hometown pork for those on the fence -- will likely fail."

While porking up legislation is the tried and true modus operandi of coaxing fence-sitters, you have to be just a little encouraged that such a tactic isn't working this time around however short-lived.

Without rehashing the Congressional micromanaging component of this stream of cut-n-run bills, one must recognize the tenuous position a legislator adopts when s/he decides that that national defense, further war, and subsequent death of American/coalition soldiers (whatever the number) is acceptable... except at the right sale price. I can imagine these Blue Dogs particularly, were they to support defunding the war for funding their pet project via redirected public monies, would have a hard time during the next campaign fending off the likely Republican or conservative candidate knowing that the opposition would rightly bludgeon them with such a dishonest and unethical vote. I don't care which party that you're in - a vote to support the troops' mission except when given the opportunity for special, local pork is damnable. Just about every voter recognizes that and politicians are savvy enough to know that regardless of their personal ethic on the matter, voters will not respond positively to such machinations.

Thank goodness Pelosi and company are continually exposed for this disingenuous legislation. Should they continue on with this process, the cynicism of the public for Democrat politicking will increase. That particular cynicism, though the public always has it to some degree, will be etched in political stone. It will become a line for their epitaph.

Posted by The Mechanical Eye [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 12:20 PM

The Democrats thought they rode to power on a wave of anti-war sentiment, but they have discovered that their victory had much more to do with Republican failures than with Democratic platforms.

Sorry, this is a grand delusion. I know its popular to talk about pork, or even corruption, but the decisive factor was the clueless, destructive fashion the war has been waged.

The democrats are in trouble because they don't have the power to end the war.


Posted by Mark [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 12:39 PM

Speaking of being clueless in the waging of war,

The Democrats could end the war tomorrow, by defunding it.

Posted by NoDonkey [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 12:44 PM

"The Democrats could end the war tomorrow, by defunding it."

Or by defunding Al Qaeda, which the Democrat party most assuredly is doing.

Who will be surprised when the Democrat ties to Al Qaeda are revealed? Or when the MSM defends the ties?

Posted by viking01 [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 1:14 PM

Pelosi is quickly learning that what sells in Sodom by the Bay differs markedly from the rest of the country. What she called a do-nothing Congress now is the monster of her own making as she angers her moonbat following.

It would be entertaining were it not such that Pelosi & Company's endangering of our troops defending us is reminiscent of Hanoi Jane's mimicry of an anti-aircraft gunner with the target having been our pilots.

Stuck in the Sixties where blaming the military was as lame an excuse as blaming their parents for those lost weekends at Woodstock or equivalent.

Posted by Count to 10 [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 1:42 PM

Is there a good chance a bill funding the troups properly will be passed once this is dead?
A Democrat congress that does nothing is all fine and well, but I don't want to see them say "oops, nothing passed" and let the troups run out of funds.

I question again the constitutionality of the Legislative branch having any control over spending. Yes, it is congresse's job to determine how much money goes into the treasury, but only the Executive should have a say in how it exits.

Posted by Insufficiently Sensitive [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 2:15 PM

What a lovely campaign issue for 2008 the Democrats are handing their opponents with this oh-so-urgent pork bribe to manipulate votes on the Iraq funding.

All the surviving red-state Democratic congressmen will be quivering in their boots in anticipation of the details being thrown at them next year in their reelection campaigns.

The Democratic hypocracy of this bribe, so soon after their so righteous 'anti-corruption' campaigns last fall, is delicious. Sure, the MSM will sweep it under the rug the minute the next soap opera appears (John Edwards' campaign a likely candidate for the spotlight). But their splintered chaotic alliance of lefty extremists bullying mere liberals is worthy of a European parliamentary coalition.

But the Europeans are so sensitive and sophisticated, the Democratic ideal. OK, this Congress is a fine ideal - for a comedy show.

Posted by Lew [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 2:29 PM

Well I'm afraid that one's a non-starter Count. Not that I wouldn't like it you understand, but a quick perusal of Article I, section 7, 8 and 9 of the Constitution pretty clearly implies a Congressional power to spend the money that they collect in accordance with the long-standing customery powers of any legislative body of the time. The document doesn't come right out and say it, but I suspect that that's because the Founders thought it was so obvious that it didn't need saying. The closest they come is probably in section 9 where it says "No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law;", and its Congress that makes the law. The President has his veto, but I'm afraid the Congress spends the money.

Posted by gmax [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 3:21 PM

There is no chance that Congress will "defund" the troops. It would a first class one way ticket to an election debacle. Many first time Congresspersons just recently elected would be looking for real jobs. If you want to understand the position better, go look at Dan Boren D Oklahoma. Just elected, he has just returned from AIraq and flat out says he will not vote for this bill. Is is likely then to not vote for funding the troops? No freaking way. And there are 50 + Democrats just like him. And the Republicans will not lose 10 votes on this farce. Watch it and laugh at the "do nothing" Congress. Is "America doing better"? Well we do have a higher minimum wage and ummm, him I seem to have forgotten all the other accomplishments.

Posted by gmax [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 3:31 PM

BTW this whole conflict on Executve branch wages war but Congress funds it has played out before. Franklin Roosevelt wanted to show the flag and sail the Navy around the world. Congress said forget it. We will not fund it. Roosevelt calmly sent the Navy out to sea, and half way around the world and then went to Congress and said " Gosh I need funds to bring our boys home." He got the funds quickly and the skirmish was over. Bush holds even stronger cards here, the troops are in harm's way. Any vote to deny them funds will rightly make the nay votes look like they don't care about our troops and it will come back to haunt them on the campaign trail most places ( The Peoples Republic of San FRancisco notable excepted ).

Posted by Keemo [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 4:08 PM

Dem leadership pulls DC voting bill from floor; conservative Dems were supporting DC gun repeal...

Leader Hoyer seen yelling at staff on floor...
Speaker Pelosi absent because she is desperately searching for Iraq supplemental votes...

Holmes-Norton standing silently in disbelief..

REPORT: All charges may be dropped as early as tomorrow in Duke Lacrosse rape case, FOXNEWS reports... 'We will be hearing a dismissal in the coming days'...


House Democrats pulled a bill to grant voting rights to Washington, D.C., after Republicans offered a motion that would repeal the gun ban for the District.

The move is a clear signal that Democrats have lost control of House floor after minority Republicans presented the Democratic majority with a politically unpalatable motion that their conservative members would be forced to support for fear of angering the gun rights community.

Fifty-two Democrats voted with Republicans on a similar measure to repeal the gun ban in 2004. That would be more than enough support for Republcians to add a repeal to the voting rights bill - something a majority of Democrats would vehemently oppose.

Republicans have taken great pride in offering motions to recommit during their time in the minority, an often over-looked legislative procedure that has allowed them to amend various bills on the House floor.

Democratic Rep. Ellen Tauscher of California, who presided in the chair when the House began consideration of the motion, called the postponement at the request of her leadership, saying the speaker has complete discretion to postpone consideration of any legislation at any time.

Democrats scrambled to remedy the situation on the floor but were eventually forced to pull the bill to begin debate on a controversial wartime funding measure that is expected on the floor Friday. Republicans could offer a similar procedural motion to slow consideration of that measure whenever it comes to the floor.

Is it any wonder why the Dems want to keep the media focused on the USA's non story?

Posted by conservative democrat [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 6:38 PM

Oh goody, the dems are self-destructing, dream on kool-aid drinkers. The dems brought up this vote because its what their constituents want. Get that or should I type slower? 65% of Americans want to be out of Iraq in a year. You've heard of the american people haven't you? By the way, the gop has 22 senators up for re-election in 08, the dems 8, do the math.Iraq is now a failed state because of GWB, it cost the gop the midterms, you'd think that would be a wakeup call, or the 6 RETIRED GENERALS who spoke out against our involvement. I suppose their traitors and defeatists too. Iraq is Vietnam part 2.

Posted by Jack Okie [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 7:36 PM

Pardon me while I point with justifiable pride to:

Senator Tom Coburn (R, Oklahoma), leading the charge against pork.

Senator James Inhofe (R, Oklahoma), leading the charge against Global Warming Hysteria.

Representative Dan Boren (D, Oklahoma), leading the way for the Blue Dogs.

c.d. -

American attitudes towards the Iraq war are due to

1) Selective media coverage (e.g., lies of omission) and

2) The perception that we're not doing what it takes to win.

Watch for opinion to shift (and the poll questions to become increasingly creative) as the surge succeeds.

Posted by Only_One_Cannoli [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:43 PM

I see a glimmer of hope - dems have to break away from the nutball left if they are to be a useful party again and maybe that's a little more likely to happen now ...

Code Pink members were crying outside Pelosi’s office. When asked why, Rae Abileah, 24, said she was crying out of “outrage that this is all we can get from the Democrats,” referring to the Iraq supplemental funding bill, scheduled for a vote Friday.

“We’re just heartbroken that Nancy Pelosi has decided to keep funding George Bush’s war, and now the war belongs to the Democrats as well as the Republicans,” said Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin. “We thought we were going to get a change when they came into power.”

Posted by unclesmrgol [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 22, 2007 8:47 PM


They sure could defund the war, which is what they are trying to do with this exact bill. Have you read it?

The sneak factor in the bill is not sneaky enough -- that's why it must be sugar-larded with pork, to make it as palatable as it can possibly be to those who would have to vote to override the inevitable veto. How much of the pork in this bill is trackable back to "wavering votes"?

If the bill were a straight up or down vote, Pelosi/Murtha just don't have the numbers needed to override.

Posted by Mark [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 23, 2007 7:49 AM

If it was actually the case that 65% of the American people wanted us out of Iraq, politicians of both parties would be rushing to accomplish just that.

As usual cd is posting the results of bogus polls and telling us to believe them.

The truth is that the American people do not support what the Democrats are trying to do. Which is why they have to disguise it, and why they have to buy votes with billions in pork.

Posted by Count to 10 [TypeKey Profile Page] | March 23, 2007 3:31 PM

Ouch. My mistake. I guess that was wishful thinking. Still, if we are talking the idealized Legislative, Executive, and Judiciary, I'll still hold that spending is an Executive activity.
Anyone up for a new amendment to the constitution?