May 25, 2007

CQ Radio: The Generalissimo

blog radio

Today on CQ Radio (2 pm CT), we'll talk to Duane Patterson, the Generalissimo of the Hugh Hewitt show. Duane and I will discuss the immigration reform bill, the presidential race, and the victory of the Bush administration on Iraq war funding.

Be sure to join the conversation at 646-652-4889!

NEXT WEEK: We have big plans for next week. CQ Radio will not air on Memorial Day, but you can download any of the previous shows from the BlogTalkRadio channel. Tuesday, I'll have a recorded interview with Senator and presidential candidate John McCain on immigration reform and the war in Iraq.

On Wednesday, we'll air CQ Radio at a special time in order to air an exclusive interview with Mitt Romney from the campaign trail in Iowa. I'll be in Des Moines with the campaign as it swings through the heart of Iowa, and I will be reporting live from several events on my blog and at Heading Right. Keep checking back with us!


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