Captain Ed is a father and grandfather living in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, a native Californian who moved to the North Star State because of the weather. He lives with his wife Marcia, also known as the First Mate, their two dogs, and frequently watch their granddaughter Kayla, whom Captain Ed calls The Little Admiral.
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The Crows Nest
Would Early Primaries Allow More Donations?
Jim Geraghty at The Campaign Spot believes that candidates will benefit if primaries and caucuses get pushed into 2007. A loophole in campaign finance regulation appears to allow an extra $2,300 per donor for candidates if those elections are held this year. Be sure to check out Jim's analysis, and the surprising candidate that may benefit the most.
When Tom Met Jeralyn
One of the interesting aspects of politics is finding out that opponents are people, too. Jeralyn Merritt of TalkLeft met Rep. Tom Tancredo backstage at NBC's studios, and found him more likable than she had anticipated. Perhaps it was their mutual interest in Dog, The Bounty Hunter ...
Joe Lieberman A Right-Wing Nut?
That's what CAIR says, according to Joe Kaufman. He has a link to a CAIR official's blog post that calls Lieberman, along with John Bolton, former CIA director James Woolsey, and the Heritage Foundation's Peter Brookes as "extremists". Affad Shaikh also calls Dick Cheney a "fat bastard of a liar," apparently not meant as a pop-culture reference to the Austin Powers movies. (via Let Freedom Ring)
Broadband Homelessness
The Japanese have made homelessness more efficient, and more Net-friendly, too. Their Internet cafés have become homeless shelters for the struggling manual-labor sector. The problem has grown into such a problem that government intervention will shortly become a political priority.
Found My Law Firm
Power Line links twice to this story regarding an attorney at Faegre & Benson who refused to become a victim and helped capture a very dangerous man. Keith Radtke is a partner in the firm as is Power Line's John Hinderaker. Radtke is listed in satisfactory condition after getting shot in the back, but that didn't keep him from locking up his attacker in a wrestling grip until police could arrive. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of man I'd want as my counsel ....
Don't Click That YouTube E-mail
The latest in spam seems to be redirections from YouTube links in e-mail to IP addresses without domain names. They attempt to entice people by making it seem that they have been inadvertently YouTubed. I'm sure most people can see through this scam, but just in case, you've been warned ....
Rick Moran Escapes The Floods
Rick Moran has kept us up to date on his travails along the Algonquin River. Yesterday, the police showed up to get him evacuated before the river flooded his home -- but today, Rick finds that a minor miracle has taken place, and that his house survives ... at least for now. Keep Rick in your prayers, and keep checking in at Right Wing Nut House for updates.
Rule 1: Drag The Corpse On Over First
If I've learned anything in four years of blogging, don't try to be out in front of the death rumors, especially with the villains of the world. Saddam died a hundred deaths before we caught him alive in his spider hole, and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi almost as many before his demise last year. Osama may or may not be alive, but everyone's avoided speculating on his fate for a while now. Maybe Val at Babalu Blog will get luckier with his "Castro Is Dead" story. We all hope so. I'll wait for the announcement ....
Hobbs Choice
Volunteer Voters is holding its annual "Best of Nashville" on-line polls, and one of the categories is for the best political writer. Our friend Bill Hobbs, now posting at Newsbusters, and he'd like his on-line fans to cast their votes. Drop by and put one in for Bill if you get a chance!
Murtha Getting Backlogged On Apologies
Gary Gross of Let Freedom Ring sees another case collapsing on the Haditha charges. He's called for Murtha to apologize earlier, and adds another reason to the tally.
No Such Thing As 'Moderate' Islam?
Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan told a television interviewer that he finds the label "moderate Islam" offensive. Shrink Wrapped has a lot more on this, but at least in the same interview Erdogan acknowledged that "radical Islam" exists, and that it's been a catastrophe. Be sure to read the whole post.
MS-NBC Gets Punk'd
Power Line has a great post on a lack of journalistic effort on the part of MS-NBC. In covering the Michael Vick story, they reported on what they thought was Al Sharpton's website proclaiming Vick's innocence. I guess Alex Johnson and two other MS-NBC reporters couldn't bother to read the title bar of the site, which proudly proclaims it as a "parody site".
New Instapundit Podcast On Pharmaceuticals
I just caught this e-mail from Glenn Reynolds about his new podcast with Richard Epstein, the author of Overdose: How Excessive Government Regulation Stifles Pharmaceutical Innovation. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but the topic is important enough to make sure I carve out time for it tomorrow. Get their first and tell me what I'm missing ....
Fed Trying A 'Stealth Easing'?
The Federal Reserve seems to have conducted a quiet campaign to steady markets that started spinning out of control, according to King Banaian at SCSU Scholars. He thinks that the Fed has conducted a "stealth easing". Be sure to read his explanation and follow his lnks.
A Shameless Bit Of Sel-Promotion
Gateway Pundit and Val at Babalu Blog note a crass PR move by Hugo Chavez. Venezuela has responded to Peru's eathquake disaster with food shipments -- and with Hugo's smiling picture on the cans. He also uses the tuna-can label to undermine President Garcia of Peru, who narrowly defeated Chavez' pal Ollanto Humalla, whom the labels extol for his "solidarity" with Chavez.
Tacky beyond belief.
Comments (38)
Posted by Philip | June 28, 2007 5:56 PM
"Bush has announced that he will not return to this bill"
Not good enough. We have spoken loud and clear. We want border enforcement now. Build the fence. Start today. Get it done.
I will not support incumbents with votes, time or money until they follow the law, secure the border and stop illegal immigration.
How much clearer can we possible be?
Posted by bmili | June 28, 2007 6:02 PM
coleman was saving his butt, he most certainly wouldve voted for cloture had it already not been busted before he voted....see here http://hotair.com/archives/2007/06/28/the-amnesty-cloture-vote-in-order/
Posted by Sandy P | June 28, 2007 6:23 PM
Good, W shouldn't return this bill, a better bill should be crafted, a less complicated bill that Americans can understand.
It can be done before he's out of office, but if he prefers to take his ball and go home, ok.
Posted by JD | June 28, 2007 6:37 PM
The bill is dead, thankfully, and I'm glad that my states two senators developed some backbone this time and voted no in the first round.
Still though a line was crossed by several senators, in my opinion, I expect Fat Teddy to spew what he does, but Durbin reached new lows. He basically said, during one of his last rants, that anyone calling in to the Senate in protest was a xenophobic, bigoted dumb@$$. Fortunately for Mr. Durbin it's illegal, for such apparent cretins as I must be, to invite him out for early morning coffee and pistols.
I don't know where these elected officials get the idea that they're God Emporers of us all. The idea that they can so publicly disparage anyone not agreeing with their issues while taking monies, as salary, garnered from those same people.
Posted by patrick neid | June 28, 2007 7:02 PM
this is a golden opportunity for the congress, homeland security and the president to step up and show us that they were serious about border security and enforcement. the visa bill from 1995 and the fence act from 2006 are still on the books. failure to enact these two laws caused skeptics such as myself to argue they never were for closing the border in any meaningful way. of course they countered with "trust us" we mean it this time because border security is item number 1. okay, here's your chance. enforce these two laws and your comprehensive immigration reform will have a greater chance of success.
after 40 years of failed promises in prior bills i'm not holding my breath. bush deserves all the fallout he gets because he has not been sincere about border enforcement. he has only himself to blame. he has had six years and 9/11 to boot, and he has done nothing.
Posted by JEM | June 28, 2007 7:40 PM
Principle is something unfortunately quite rare in government, and as such one must forgive a bit of backing-and-filling such as Mr Coleman's caution. As they say - lead, follow, or get out of the way. He wasn't about to lead, but he did at least follow in the right direction.
I would not extend that to Mr Brownback, though I can understand his reasons for what he did. He no doubt has, back home in Kansas, some good supporters, agribusiness interests who've been very good to him over the years, and who had certain expectations of him this time 'round. Expectations that ran counter to those of the voters of his state, but hey, money is money. He'd have been a good bit less embarrassed right now had he stayed on the sidelines a little longer.
Posted by JEM | June 28, 2007 7:45 PM
Principle is something unfortunately quite rare in government, and as such one must forgive a bit of backing-and-filling such as Mr Coleman's caution. As they say - lead, follow, or get out of the way. He wasn't about to lead, but he did at least follow in the right direction.
I would not extend that to Mr Brownback, though I can understand his reasons for what he did. He no doubt has, back home in Kansas, some good supporters, agribusiness interests who've been very good to him over the years, and who had certain expectations of him this time 'round. Expectations that ran counter to those of the voters of his state, but hey, money is money. He'd have been a good bit less embarrassed right now had he stayed on the sidelines a little longer.
Posted by The Man | June 28, 2007 7:52 PM
You guys should check out www.declareyourself.com. There are some really funny videos by the guys from Reno 911.
Posted by Rovin | June 28, 2007 8:08 PM
I would submit that congress never had the trust the minute the process began with this bill. Had the senate divided this into three seperate bills, with a strong border security and enforcement policy the FIRST priority, visas and registration next, and then employer penalties (for those who still flaunted the law), then this legislation MAY have had a chance to pass.
While democrats will attempt to parse this as an anti-mexican result at the hands of republicans, (which is totally false), this was the result of the arrogance of the new leadership that failed to listen to their electorate. And yes, at 14%, the trust was already gone.
Posted by richard mcenroe | June 28, 2007 8:12 PM
Today Along the Rio Grande
Posted by Bill Faith | June 28, 2007 8:16 PM
I just added a link to my 2007.06.28 "No Illegal Left Behind" Roundup. Seems to me like we're about out of people we can trust. Is it too late for a "Draft Sessions" movement with Coleman in the VP slot to provide geographic balance? I still lean pretty strongly toward Fred Thompson at this point but I'm a little disappointed at how vocal he hasn't been about the immigration issue.
Posted by Ron C | June 28, 2007 8:23 PM
This ‘victory’ SHOULD be only the opening salvo of GREAT HEAT aimed straight at a few in this government that have for too long FAILED their primary SWORN responsibility - enforcing EXISTING LAW.
What this government has NOT done is build the 800 miles of fence contained in law already passed. One billion dollars was put in that bill, and they’ve built less than 10 miles - part of it on the wrong side of the border (in Mexico) - that has to be torn down. (And don’t think that was a mistake, either - the KNEW it was in the wrong place - and had to eventually come down when they built it! Idiotic pleas to the contrary - they can not hide their deliberate attempt to scuttle their duty.)
Some of these people think they are our MASTERS, not our servants, and we should continue to DISABUSE THEM OF THAT NOTION, and raise the heat on not only on Congress (read Senate, more so than the House,) but the President and most especially agency-idiots like Michael Chertoff, who actually threatened the public today in his petty reaction to the Senate vote.
FAX, call or write to Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security, and tell him to DO HIS JOB according to existing law (which he has adamantly refused to do,) and stop whining about not having the money or tools to do so (a blatant lie.)
Posted by TheCityTroll | June 28, 2007 8:23 PM
Reading Colemans words was reassuring. I didn't think common sense still existed in the Senate. It still seems to be a rare commodity though...
Posted by Carol Herman | June 28, 2007 8:30 PM
Oh, yeah. And, next time, before voting,they should read the bill, first! It's no excuse that Dubya has a reading deficit disorder.
The next thing I'd recommend noticing? It's that the Internet, working fast, killed this sucker.
Heck, Michelle Malkin is now mentioned on InstaPundit, because the Wall Street Journal doesn't know how she got to do the Lindsey Graham 30-second spot, out so fast.
They also don't know it's life span.
If you haven't seen "Muchias Gracias," you haven't seen a great TV commercial for a senate (but not Lindsey Graham) yet.
What were the senators thinking? Do they still believe in the old media?
While, today, in the really good news department! Fred Thompson came to the Captain to rebut the charges of his being a lobby-ist ... Think about it.
And, being able, ahead, to measure that Fred is advancing; using the Internet ... And, he is very FRUGAL, can make him not just a spend thrift, right there. But popular with anyone that has computer access.
It seems, too, that all news networks are plowing themselves into the wall, where the "yoots" just don't come by. They've lost a valuable audience share. Now, how did they do that?
Anyway, leave it to Ann Coulter, (and, again, the Net), to bring it to ya ... She was interviewed on TV. Today. And, she was asked the usual political questions.
Her first answer was great! You see, Bush IS a uniter! Now, everybody can't wait until the "nincompoop leaves office." How good is that, huh? People of both parties, and lots of independents. ALL UNITED.
Oh, then she was asked to name her favorite GOP candidate. So she said: "Duncan Hunter, but nobody knows who he is."
And, when pushed; that she had to choose someone else, she said "Sarkozy."
Heck, if miracles just happened in france (without the guillotine put to use), it does give hope that IF socialists voted for the conservative, can you imagine what can happen, here?
I guess, too, to go along with the Ma & Pa Kettle Show; Dubya will also continue to demonstrate he doesn't know how to be an effective president. The log didn't roll far from the family tree. Let me tell ya.
Posted by burt | June 28, 2007 8:57 PM
There are numerous reasons why the public doesn't trust congress, three of them have the names Coleman, and my senators Warner and Webb.
Posted by Brian Pendell | June 28, 2007 9:29 PM
Responding to first commenter:
"Not good enough. We have spoken loud and clear. We want border enforcement now. Build the fence. Start today. Get it done.
I will not support incumbents with votes, time or money until they follow the law, secure the border and stop illegal immigration.
How much clearer can we possible be?"
Reading Google News, I see the Senate has no plans whatsoever to address the issue until 2009 at least. And that was the optimistic estimate. The pessimistic one was "not for the foreseeable future".
So we aren't getting a fence, we aren't getting enforcement. What we're getting is more of the same for at least another two years ... possibly longer.
So I guess I have a question.
In retrospect, was it worth it? Would it have been better to pass this bad bill than to permit the status quo to continue?
Brian P.
Posted by george | June 28, 2007 9:47 PM
As many observers and Senators stated this fundementaly was about a much greater issue than immigration. First and foremost it was about whether our elected officials can take a sworn oath to see that the laws are FAITHFULLY executed and hold their duty hostage to a backroom deal. At least for today government of by and for the people survived. So yes it was infinitly worth it.
Posted by Pierre | June 28, 2007 9:50 PM
Captain why do you use the term normalization?
Posted by bayam | June 28, 2007 10:20 PM
Norm is like a lot of other Republicans. When it became obvious that the ship was going to sink, he jumped off. Not a surprising move from a politician.
Of course, after the fact, he has a completely rational explanation for his last minute change of heart. Right....
Posted by brooklyn | June 28, 2007 10:28 PM
Again the vitriol was ugly, and serves the Conservative agenda poorly in the long run.
Illegal Immigration problems will remain...
Nothing wrong with using constructive insight to advocate for what one wants, but many on the Conservative side, some of our finest, resorted to juvenile slander.
It was even more ugly to watch than the last time.
Some Conservative Pundits in the Blog world are revealed to be nothing more than temper tantrums, reactionaries, etc..
Will the Republicans who stopped the Bill be thanked properly?
Or will they be abandoned to empower the Liberal Democrat Agenda again, just like what happened in NOV. of 2006?
Hillary is coming, or someone just as bad...
It would be nice to see the same kind of energy focused on defeating the Liberal Democrats this 2008.
Or at least, the same kind of intensity to rebuke the Democrats for unethically undermining the USA in the GWOT...
Posted by Orbit Rain | June 28, 2007 10:51 PM
"as well as ending the practice of so called “sanctuary cities”.
When *that* failed, the whole thing became doomed.
Posted by Adjoran | June 28, 2007 11:38 PM
Of course, the votes simply are not there for "enforcement only" plans.
We either find an acceptable comprehensive plan, or we continue to fail to address the problem.
This wasn't it, of course, and it's a good thing it's dead. But the net result isn't any type of "victory" - other than the fleeting kind - because the problem is still there. 12 million already here and off the books, more coming every day (40% of the illegals got here by simply overstaying a legal visa), and a failed policy stays in place.
Congress will probably do what it does best: kick the can down the road and do nothing, leaving a festering problem to get worse every day. Sort of like on "Social Security reform," come to think of it . . .
Posted by NahnCee | June 28, 2007 11:53 PM
In retrospect, was it worth it? Would it have been better to pass this bad bill than to permit the status quo to continue?
Oh, no. What an idiot idea. As has been repeatedly pointed out, we already have sufficient laws on the books -- we just need to enforce them. This bad bill would have not only given amnesty to 12 million illegals, but would have rolled out the red carpet for the next 12 million to swarm in, too.
Without legislation legalizing them and giving Mexico the key to Ft Knox, we can continue harassing them, arresting them, locking them and deporting them.
AND cities and states can continue to pass their own legislation, and when the time comes, send those bills to the White House.
I can't believe you think it's better to pass this dreadful cobbled-together Frankenstein monster of a bill because evidently you're concerned that some folks got their little feelings hurted. How silly.
Posted by Philip | June 29, 2007 12:18 AM
It's time to get serious. It is time to impeach Bush. It is time to recall the congress people who refuse to support, fund and obey the law on border enforcement. In California a few years back the governor, Grey Davis, was recalled in a fury sparked by his idiotic insistence in giving legal diver's licenses to illegal aliens. He was so out of touch with reality that he actually got publicly behind the idea - and got his @$$ handed to him. You can bet this current crop of fools - Bush included - are hard at work regrouping. If they will not build a fence then it is time to show them all the door. It is time to impeach Bush.
Posted by Scrapiron | June 29, 2007 12:49 AM
Poor Philip, worried about someone breaking the law and demanding that others break the law. Impeachment takes more than words from a retard.
I expect to spend the next 16 months listening to the democratic whine, nothing more. We have the first worthless congress in the history of the country, add in the total lack of ethics and the crimes comitted by the leadership of congress and the United States as a whole is in heap big trouble. Remember, the democrats operate on the pre-school level so the whine will be loud and often. Impeachment of President Bush would mean for a fact that the next two (at least) democrats that win the white house will automatically face impeachment. If no legal charges are required, they would be impeached on the first day for criminal offenses they always comitt. Crime is in a democrats gene pool.
Posted by G. Charles | June 29, 2007 1:15 AM
I suggest the GOP craft something, anything, on immigration/border security that they can be 100 percent behind. No matter how small or compartmentalized, as long as there is very strong agreement. Even if they can't get a Democrat to co-sponsor the bill, they could at least publicize both the bill and the fact of Democrat obstruction.
Dem leadership is OK with doing nothing and blaming GOP next election for failure. I don't mind the Grahams and Voinovich's paying a price, but I don't want the Sessions and DeMints and the rest of us to be labelled as anti-immigrant or anti-Mexican, etc. A good way to help is to bounce back and push for legislation that makes sense--targeted bills that should have been submitted in the first place--even though Reid and Bush won't help at all at this point. Shoot, even vapid resolutions to fund and enforce what is good about current law would be better than ignoring the issue and letting Reid just drop it and blame GOP.
Off subject: Fred did a good, if awkwardly wordy, job of addressing his first "unforced error" regarding Cubans. He responded before the national (or So. Florida) media could even get to first base with any criticism. On the contrary, this gave him a contrived reason to ingratiate himself to the Cuban community more forcefully and publicly than any other candidate. This sort of responsiveness is impressive--Fred has listened to the Captain, and by extension, I feel he is listening to me.
Posted by G. Charles | June 29, 2007 4:46 AM
Friday's Washington Times is out, with these gems:
"The bill's supporters, though, praised each other's courage for standing firm in the face of voters' demands."
"Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, told senators to ignore the outraged phone calls flooding their offices, saying there were many parts of the bill "they don't understand.""
Specter [continuing that theme of condescending elitism] lamented, "... this is a profile in cynicism. Votes were changed in order to defeat the bill, not because they expressed the preference of the senators." Mr. Specter, though, has acknowledged repeatedly he has done the opposite and voted against [to profile his cynicism?] a number of amendments he actually would have liked to see passed simply to keep the bill alive."
My oh, my; no lessons learned from the "aye" Senators. They praised each other for firmly standing against the will of the voters.
'nuff said.
Posted by Oldcrow | June 29, 2007 4:57 AM
Here is the deal, a simple and easy solution to Illegal immigration:
Five years in federal prison and 1 million dollar fine for each illegal hired.
This would eliminate the incentive to come here illegally and cause those here now to go back..
Fat track VIsa and citizenship applications currently in the system.
A guest worker program that works and is verified by the employers, in other words no visa is issued unless an employer certifies they will be employed and will ensure they go back when employment is finished if this is violated then the employer is subject to the above sanctions.
With this we would not need a fence nor more border patrol, lets be honest here the employers are why we have millions of illegals in this country not the illegals themselves and the employers are the ones we need to go after.
Posted by Roy E | June 29, 2007 5:59 AM
Norm Coleman doesn't trust the government either.
Hmmm. That's pretty cute. But Norm Coleman IS the government. Norm Coleman is part of the problem. His fence-sitting, playing-the-field posturing on this issue bothers me somewhat. This bill was so blatantly fraudulent and arrogantly promoted that there was only one honorable position to take regarding it - and that was to be be actively against it as were senators DeMint, Sessions, and Cornyn.
I'm left very unimpressed by Coleman's performance on this. Despite his no-sanctuary-cities amendment, I'm left with the sense that to Norm this was all political calculation. Principles live article IV section IV had nothing to do with it.
We need leaders with conviction. I'm very disappointed with my senator.
Posted by The Yell | June 29, 2007 6:02 AM
Right on. There's enough on the books to crack down on the problem--if President Bush weren't adamant that all 12 million, and the next 12 million, are fully welcome.
Adjoran, the only sure-fire consistent loser with an actual track record of failure is the pragmatic, "comprehensive" approach. It's DOA. It's certain death. There's politicians on record killing it three times now. Pelosi says it won't even get a vote in the House without a total collapse of the GOP caucus on the issue.
I'm with G Charles, put up five or six enforcement bills in the House, and get something sensible on the record. Even if Adjoran is right and it fails, it will be killed by blowhards who clearly want the country held hostage to amnesty.
Brooklyn, you are right to fear for the Republicans who did the right thing here. They are in serious trouble. They are in serious trouble because they will go through 2008 in lock step with the Republicans who caused this mess. They're all Republicans together, feeding from the same trough. Those that make it through will keep choosing the same bozos to leadership positions, as if they weren't destroying the party agenda. Until you purge the party of the Liberal Republicans, it won't be an effective foil to Liberal Democrats.
I dare to hope the best outcome of this, is a deep nonpartisan mistrust of the Senate and its privileges in the American people. For 200 years what started as a nonelected body of elites has been bent to a democratic yoke. I think its time for the next rein on the Senate: a two-year term.
Posted by Cybrludite | June 29, 2007 6:25 AM
We need leaders with conviction.
Once we find out who was financing this push for a bill no one wanted, we may have leaders with convictions. Not quite the same thing, but it should give the next batch something to think about...
Posted by Barnestormer | June 29, 2007 6:44 AM
How about a private right of action for any denied qualified job applicant for a position held by an illegal alien? Same question, insert "class" before "action."
Posted by Roy E | June 29, 2007 7:06 AM
that's a good point, Cybrludite.
The conviction may be for the Wall Street Journal myopia of open borders at all costs. The behavior of the 'comprehensive' bills proponents certainly aligns with that agenda.
There seems to be much more reason here to believe such a globalism conspiracy theory than there is to dismiss it. So I'm left wondering, who is paying off who? Something very rotten is behind this debacle.
Posted by hunter | June 29, 2007 7:13 AM
Sen.Coleman's campaign called me Wed. night for a bit of $. I took time to respectfully say that I would give, but conditioned it on how he voted on Thursday. The young lady who made the call was very polite about it, and seemed to understand my position. She did allow that many people were being much less than polite.
I think Coleman got my message and message of a lot of other people: get this bill stopped, and get us a real bill.
We need better border security.
I don't think the President and the Congress buys into this yet, unfortunately.
If the President would like to go out as beloved President he could still do it:
Put as much energy into winning the war and forcing Congress to stop the poultroonery.
Pardon Scooter Libby loudly and aggressively.
Force through a border security reform and carry it out.
Apply and enforce the current laws on immigration.
Sell the war and win the war.
Openly condemn any attempt at all to impose government censorship masked as 'Fairness' up front, before that pos idea gains anymore steam.
Posted by docjim505 | June 29, 2007 7:52 AM
Sent to my senators, Dole and Burr:
Posted by MikeD | June 29, 2007 9:56 AM
Well said docjim!
Posted by Project Vote Smart | June 29, 2007 3:45 PM
Senator Norm Coleman’s voting record on immigration issues can be found at: http://www.votesmart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=20239&type=category&category=40&go.x=12&go.y=12
Senator Norm Coleman’s history of speeches on immigration can be found at: http://www.votesmart.org/speech.php?keyword=immigration&daterange=&begin=&end=&phrase=&contain=&without=&type=search&can_id=20239&go2.x=0&go2.y=0#Results
Senator Norm Coleman’s ratings from special interest groups on immigration issues can be found at: http://www.votesmart.org/issue_rating_category.php?can_id=20239
For more information on Senator Norm Coleman’s position on immigration issues please visit http://www.vote-smart.org or call our hotline at 1-888-VOTE-SMART.
Posted by D.Lonewolf | July 2, 2007 4:55 PM
It seems absolute ludicrous that a country that was founded on the principal of debate, would be upset because the issue should be debated. Every issue should be debated. Then if you can’t agree that it’s what the American Public really wants, it should be voted down. How the heck are senators going to know what the will of the people are if they don’t even bring up the issue. When Regan passed the Amnesty bill, there were no bloggs, no talk radio, and only the activists and corporations had any say and we got lousy legislation. Today we can instantly let our senators and congressmen know what we think…and they pay attention. But if they do, then they are branded wishy-washy. It’s all so stupid, you want them to listen to you, but when they do, you get mad at them and call them politicians (such a nasty word).
I think if the stupid republicans vote Senator Coleman out of office, they’ll get exactly what they disserve…an amnesty bill right after the 2008 election. I’m sure potty mouth Al Franken won’t hesitate to vote with the Democratic Party on a comprehensive immigration amnesty bill and defund the border fence.
Instead of having a senator who’ll listen to their concerns, they’ll get a senator who’s so smart everyone likes him, as long as they do what he wants.