July 19, 2007

Democrats Abandon National-Security Tipsters

The Washington Times reports that the John Doe law, which would protect tipsters who provide information about potential national-security threats, has run into a buzz saw in Congress. Democrats want the language removed from a Homeland Security bill in the House, and removed quietly. Republicans in the House have called foul.

At Heading Right, I question how Democrats can posture as responsible guardians of national security while throwing citizen tipsters to the litigating wolves. Given that the intimidation of torts began here, my interest is somewhat more than academic, especially since I travel more often than before. It’s precisely this kind of disincentive, applied to law enforcement and intelligence, that created the walls that led to the failures resulting in the 9/11 attack.

Read more about this at Heading Right, and also Michelle Malkin, The Corner, and Hot Air.


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Comments (27)

Posted by Scott Malensek | July 19, 2007 9:57 AM

"how Democrats can posture as responsible guardians of national security while throwing citizen tipsters to the litigating wolves"

List of Democratic Party led initiatives since 911 that have helped bring terrorists to justice and will continue to do so:


Posted by Scrapiron | July 19, 2007 9:59 AM

Would anyone expect the dhimmi's to do any different? They have been and are in bed with the criminal trial lawyers and I don't mean lawyers who defend criminals, the lawyers as a whole have became high class criminals, Without the criminal money bled from the public coffers by the 'criminal' lawsuit lawyers the dhimmi's have no money. Taxpayers and Insurance payers provided every dime people like the Silky Pony running for president has. They won't kill their very own golden goose.

Posted by onlineanalyst | July 19, 2007 10:04 AM

Scrapiron: Your points go to the heart of the issue. The same Dem interests that pushed for legal loopholes in the shamnesty bill are now undermining protections for our John Doe citizens.

Posted by C. Perkins | July 19, 2007 10:08 AM

It seems to me like Republicans could make this a big issue in the election if it holds up. I think it will resonate.

Posted by bulbasaur | July 19, 2007 10:12 AM

I watched the National Geographic special on 9-11, and it features the airline ticketing agent who saw Mohamed Atta face to face, and flagged him as a threat, saying to himself, if ever there was a terrorist, this guy is one. He said Atta looked as hateful and angry as any man he'd ever seen.

The agent relates how he agonized over his decision, was he being prejudiced? judgmental? and decided to let Mohamed Atta pass through. Did you know that???

The democrat party created the cultural climate that made such self-doubt mandatory, and now they apparently want to up the ante.

This is insane.

Posted by jpe | July 19, 2007 10:14 AM

The law is totally unnecessary - it doesn't change existing law in the slightest. The only story here is that it shows just how stupid the right side of the blogosphere is.

Posted by bulbasaur | July 19, 2007 10:25 AM

What a delightful gift jpe gives us this morning!

I honestly thought the hard-left would be horrified that this passed by the focus groups and made it to the policy stage, and that would be the end of it.

Not so! Our friend jpe suggests that the hard-left is going to circle the wagons on this! Oh please do! Please!

I think I'll have another donut this morning after all!

Posted by vdig | July 19, 2007 10:44 AM

Interesting, jpe. You are saying that the language of the bill does not change anything in the law as of this moment. Very well, show me and the rest of us what U.S. law allows for the American people to report suspicious behavior without fear of being sued by the one that is supposedly suspicious. If it really is redundant, then no harm, no foul, and you are right. Still, I believe that any nation's people should have the right to report oddities that may be a portent for looming disaster, including odd behavior of a person or group of persons, without being intimidated into silence.

Before you begin, I realize that some pranksters might abuse such a law. Should that come to pass, I believe that it should be the government's role to initiate a fine or lawsuit for abusing the system instead of the supposed suspicious person. Nobody likes to lose money over a prank, so the system would not likely be abused.

Finally, I think the suspicious Imams are clearly in the wrong. Between setting themselves up in seats that are not assigned to them, being arranged in an established terrorist formation, and requesting seatbelt extenders only to not use them sounds beyond fishy, and clearly demands the action taken by the airline staff. This political stunt must not undermine the security established by the airlines because of political appeasement. If the law, as it stands, exposes airlines and people who report suspicious behavior to lawsuits, then by all means, the Homeland Security Bill better keep that language intact.

Posted by Lightwave | July 19, 2007 11:03 AM

Wait, wait...

It's perfectly okay to have leakers like Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame all over the Government that undermine national security, but shielding those who might blow the whistle on things like this is wrong to the Dems?

When will the rest of America realize the Democrats are traitors?

Posted by Lew | July 19, 2007 11:19 AM

Well gee jpe, if it doesn't do anything and it doesn't change any existing law , then why are you so opposed to it?

It must do something, or you wouldn't be against it, would you?

After all, every one of us go through each day surrounded by a passing parade of harmless irrelevancies that we may or may not take notice of as we do our business. Its only when one item among the vast sea of items jumps out and grabs our attention as consequential, that we bother to react to it. It suddenly has meaning to us and we must decide if its good or bad and act accordingly.

So what awful consequence looms over the horizon at you to inspire such vitriolic opposition to a bill you say is so barren of effect?

Posted by Scrapiron | July 19, 2007 11:19 AM

I think they found the problem in congress today. The water (drinking) in DC is poluted and a direct line runs to the democrat quarters. Evidently the polution results in a bad case of Anti-Americanism and Dumb A**es. There is no way the democrats are 'naturally' born this Anti-American and stupid. Lightwave, just read comments by people like jpe and you'll understand change will be a long process, if ever.

Posted by jpe | July 19, 2007 11:41 AM

So what awful consequence looms over the horizon at you to inspire such vitriolic opposition to a bill you say is so barren of effect?

I didn't see any vitriolic opposition to the bill. Perhaps you could point it out to me.

Thanks in advance!

Posted by DubiousD | July 19, 2007 11:44 AM

In addition to Hot Air, Malkin, and the Corner, there's also this Frontpage piece by Frank Gaffney here:


Posted by Jim | July 19, 2007 11:51 AM

Good point, jpe!!

I guess any honest and up front opposition to a bill would alert the peasantry to their devious little plans to cow tow to the CAIR and Moonbat Truther crowd.......so they have to kill this....."quietly."

Posted by Lew | July 19, 2007 12:05 PM

"The law is totally unnecessary - it doesn't change existing law in the slightest. The only story here is that it shows just how stupid the right side of the blogosphere is."

Ok jpe, perhaps I'm getting overly sensitive in my dotage but when you start calling "the right side of the blogosphere" stupid by its advocacy for the measure, that seems a bit vitriolic to me. I will grant that the judgment is mostly in the eye of the beholder, but I will also stand by it.

So enlighten this poor benighted wretch of the right, why are we on the starboard side so "stupid" for our advocacy of what seems so practical a measure, especially given your own characterization of it as "unnecessary"?

Posted by MarkJ | July 19, 2007 12:33 PM

I guess I shouldn't kick a man when he's down, but, in "jpe's" case, I'll make an exception.

I've got a ten-spot that, immediately following a major terrorist attack in this country, folks like "jpe" will be out in the streets alternately squealing....

a) "Why didn't we do something?"


b) "We've got to do something!"

Am I right or am I right?

Posted by Bill Faith | July 19, 2007 12:55 PM

Hey, gang! I have an idea. Let's all stay home and teach the Republicans another lesson in '08. That'll show 'em. (What, me bitter?) I added a link to my 2007.07.19 Long War // Dhimm Perfidy Roundup.

Posted by vdig | July 19, 2007 1:03 PM

jpe, you are right in saying that you did not state vitriolic opposition to the law. You merely claim that you think it does nothing. I still want to know why you think that, and what supports your logic, that's all.

However, why the potshot at conservative bloggers? There are interesting and intelligent things I read on many blogs, from many bloggers of different political leanings, therefore I find your statement just a bit rude. I've seen worse, though. I've seen my share of stupid leftist blogger posts too.

Posted by MAJ Arkay | July 19, 2007 1:03 PM

Can't say this surprises me. Add the fact that identical bills have been introduced to stop the Government from getting information from "journalists" about espionage and terrorists, and once again, our duly elected "representatives" strive hard to protect they who will do the nation ill. They call H.R. 2102 and S. 1267 "Free Flow of Information Act of 2007." I call them the "Protecting the NY Times from Its Own Treasonous Acts Act of 2007."

Posted by MAJ Arkay | July 19, 2007 1:05 PM

Can't say this surprises me. Add the fact that identical bills have been introduced to stop the Government from getting information from "journalists" about espionage and terrorists, and once again, our duly elected "representatives" strive hard to protect they who will do the nation ill. They call H.R. 2102 and S. 1267 "Free Flow of Information Act of 2007." I call them the "Protecting the NY Times from Its Own Treasonous Acts Act of 2007."

Posted by Thomas Jackson | July 19, 2007 1:22 PM

Well this is no surprise that the Democrat Party would do something that undermines the safety of Americans and do it in the dark of night. As others have mentioned this should be a major campaign theme along with the Democrat's shamnesty plan; its support of the troops; reckless spending; corruption; and its marxist plans for socialized healthcare and central planning at the expense of individual liberities and free enterprise.

Posted by philw | July 19, 2007 1:32 PM

As a former Democratic activist, I find it very difficult to vote D for any positions influencing national security, Lieberperson aside.

Posted by Mwalimu Daudi | July 19, 2007 2:38 PM

Now that they are in power, Democrats have decided that they don't like whistleblowers.

Hence this attempt to derail the John Doe law, the efforts to restore the "Fairness Doctrine", hiding earmarks from public scrutiny, etc.....

Posted by Del Dolemonte | July 19, 2007 3:45 PM

Lightwave said:

"It's perfectly okay to have leakers like Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame all over the Government that undermine national security, but shielding those who might blow the whistle on things like this is wrong to the Dems?"

Val Plame's case got tossed out of court today. We're all here waiting breathlessly for Tom Shipley to get his talking points faxed to him by Joe Wilson...

Posted by Fight4TheRight | July 19, 2007 10:07 PM

Well, the Dems succeeded in stopping this bill. Big surprise - let's let a planeload of 240 innocent Americans die so we can protect the esteem of C.A.I.R.

Interestingly, Senator Hillary Clinton voted FOR the bill - I believe one of 4 Dem Senators to vote for it.

And so it begins.....Hillary's shift to "pro-defense", "anti-terrorism" begins as her advisors have assured her she has NO chance of winning the general Presidential election without being tough on terrorism.

Gee, I wonder if she can take back her vote on the withdrawl from Iraq?!!!

p.s. Obama missed the vote - imagine that.

Posted by flenser | July 19, 2007 11:27 PM

Let's all stay home and teach the Republicans another lesson in '08.

I'm not sure what you're talking about. Nobody stayed home in 2006. Enough independent voters voted "D" to make the difference.

Posted by MarkW | July 20, 2007 8:12 AM


In liberalese, there are only two reasons why any person would not be a liberal.
They are either stupid, or they are evil. Or some combination of the two.

No other explanations are permited.