August 31, 2007

Steady Eddie And A Boy Named Hsu

You have to give Ed Rendell some credit. Even when his fellow Democrats have decided to cut and run, the Pennsylvania governor believes in staying the course. Are we talking about Iraq? No, we're talking about money, and Rendell apparently never met a dollar he didn't like:

A prominent Democratic fund-raiser wanted on a felony fraud charge in California has donated or steered tens of thousands of dollars to Pennsylvania politicians in recent years, moving some to now jettison the money.

But one of Norman Hsu's biggest beneficiaries in the state, Gov. Rendell, said yesterday that he would keep the money - and stand by his friend - unless he learned more damaging information about the case.

"I want to hear him out; I don't want to be one of the guys to pile on," Rendell said. "Norman Hsu's one of the best 10 people I've met. He raised money for me because he believes in all the things we're doing and he never asked for a bloody thing - not a job, not a contract, not [even] to attend a wedding."

It turns out that Ed Rendell has plenty of reasons for taking a wait-and-see attitude about Hsu -- 37,866 of them. That's how many dollars Norman Hsu put in Rendell's coffers in 2005 and 2006. Pennsylvania doesn't limit donations, which allowed Hsu to contribute directly to Rendell rather than go through all the hassle of filtering donations through other families.

If Rendell thinks that Hsu is one of the "best 10 people" he's met, then Ed needs to get out more often. California authorities have already confirmed that Hsu fled a three-year stretch for fraud after hustling investors out of more than a million dollars in a latex-glove resale scam. The New York Times reported today that all of his business references lead to dead ends -- fronts for some purpose not yet known. Hsu himself appears to have vanished. One has to wonder who the other nine are on Ed's Top Ten list.

The longer Rendell holds onto the Hsu money, the longer the stench will attach itself to him. Pennsylvania slid a little to the left in the last election. If Rendell continues to defend Hsu, that may turn around in the upcoming presidential election.


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Comments (14)

Posted by brooklyn - hnav | August 31, 2007 10:47 AM

It is amazing to see some of the MSM outlets coverage, or lack there of, of another example of the corruption afflicting the Democrat Party.

A number of local Media Outlets actually portrayed Hillary Clinton as handling this in a responsible manner, as if the Clinton Campaign discovered this relationship with a wanted crook all by itself.

The hide the story, play it as something else, has a familiar ring, which sounds just like the old song and dance.

The Clinton Corruption lives by it's own rules, even when Sandy is stuffing his pants, and we learn Bill lied about trying to 'kill' Osama, the biased partisans in the Press cover for those associated with the former negligent Clinton Administration.

It really is incredible to consider, after all those years of vivid malfeasance, the Democrat Party wants to return the 'definition of the word is' to the White House.


Hillary Clinton promised to bring jobs to Northern New York and failed.

Ms. Rodham lied about Whitewater, hid illegally obtained FBI files, made ugly ethnic jokes about Gas Stations and Gandhi, planned to portray a sex toy for her husband as a stalker intern, continues to accept campaign donations from apparent criminals, wants to give voting rights to felons and 'take things away' from the American Public.

This is someone who bizarrely focused her expression on complaining about the Bush Tax Cuts, after thousands died in a horrid terrorist attack in NYC, instead of focusing sincerely on the dreadful loss of life.

This is a deeply troubled person, whose family is addicted to deceit, greed, and corruption.

The Clinton Folly remains a vivid sign of the problems within the modern Democrat Party.

Perhaps Mr. Hsu was trying to prepay for a pardon, and a night in the Lincoln Bedroom.

Hopefully, we will all say no to this malfeasance in Our Nation's Future.

Posted by james23 | August 31, 2007 10:53 AM

they don't call him Sleazy Ed for nothing

Posted by LuckyBogey | August 31, 2007 11:12 AM

I just heard on Rush that Hsu may have already fled the country.........

Posted by SeniorD | August 31, 2007 11:41 AM

It seems the Democrats have a propensity for snuggling up to questionable financial resources. Why not just come out and say this is another attempt by the Chinese Government to influence American politics?

Posted by Sharpshooter | August 31, 2007 12:45 PM

But the democrat promised to clean up Washington! They PROMISED!!!

Of course, Bubba and Algore promised "the most ethical administration in history", and we all know how THAT turned out (and continues to turn out).

I don;t know who's more full of s&$t; the Dem's or the gullible pansies that vote for them.

Posted by RD | August 31, 2007 1:06 PM

Clever title and straight on comments-liked them all

Posted by FedUp | August 31, 2007 1:08 PM

I hate to admit that Fast Eddie is the governor of my great state! He is a sleaze and a crook! He wants to outsource our turnpike, and at the same time wants to make another major interstate a toll road. Funny, if it doesn't support Philadelphia, then, it doesn't matter! He needs to go down in flames along with Arlen Specter and Jack Murtha... two other large blots on our state!!

Posted by FedUp | August 31, 2007 1:13 PM

I hate to admit that Fast Eddie is the governor of my great state! He is a sleaze and a crook! He wants to outsource our turnpike, and at the same time wants to make another major interstate a toll road. Funny, if it doesn't support Philadelphia, then, it doesn't matter! He needs to go down in flames along with Arlen Specter and Jack Murtha... two other large blots on our state!!

Posted by FedUp | August 31, 2007 1:13 PM

I hate to admit that Fast Eddie is the governor of my great state! He is a sleaze and a crook! He wants to outsource our turnpike, and at the same time wants to make another major interstate a toll road. Funny, if it doesn't support Philadelphia, then, it doesn't matter! He needs to go down in flames along with Arlen Specter and Jack Murtha... two other large blots on our state!!

Posted by unclesmrgol | August 31, 2007 2:46 PM

No lack of coverage in the LA Times. Hsu is front page stuff.

Posted by big G | August 31, 2007 3:25 PM

I had an interesting discussion about fast Eddie this past weekend at the Legion in my hometown in western PA. (Voter registration demographic: 2 Republicans, 380 Democrats) They were complaining how NONE of Eddie's promises in two election cycles have been kept. I asked them how they voted in 2006? Swann or Rendell? The silence was deafening. I then told them a definition of insanity: repeating the same behavior and expecting different results. I got blank stares back. BTW, I'm not one of the two Republicans.
I'm a Kennedy, turned Reagan Democrat.

Later that night, I went to another club that has electronic poker games (for amusement only-wink, wink). I commented that when Mr Rendell's Casino business gets started that they may have to "loosen" their machines to compete. That led to a story (a very loud story with accompanying profanity) about this same club applying for a slots license and being told that there were two payments needed to get a license: the upfront application fee to the state and a recurring fee per slot per month to a company in Philadelphia (not associated with any slot machine vendor or the state lottery commission). The club didn't pursue the livecnse after that. Guess who's name was dropped as one of the owners of said company? I then asked them if they had voted for governor the same way they had voted for US Representative? Blank look again. These were the same people who told me last year that they didn't care if Jack Murtha was a crook, he was their crook and they were still voting for him.

I wonder if I'll be allowed to renew my club memberships?

Posted by davod | August 31, 2007 3:30 PM

This is a scandal.

Where did he get the money and did any of it come from foreign governments.

Posted by viking01 | August 31, 2007 3:46 PM

Well if Ed Rendell has met Slick and Hillary, Albert and Tipper, Lurch and Tah-ray-za, Screamin' Howard Dean and John Edwards... and if Rendell has met Charles Manson that makes nine. So, if he's also friends with Norman "The Bag Man" Hsu then maybe Norman IS the best of that nefarious bunch of ten.

If Hsu has fled the country have 'em check at Mark Rich's place first. Maybe Johnny Huang's too!

Posted by Peter Grynch | September 7, 2007 5:09 PM

"A Boy Named Hsu", Maybe he was travelling around looking for his lost father...

My daddy left home when I was three
And he didn't leave much to ma and me
Just some campaign contributions and an empty bottle of booze.

Now, I don't blame him cause he run and hid
But the meanest thing that he ever did
Was before he left, he went and named me "Hsu."

Well, he must o' thought that is quite a joke
And it got a lot of laughs from a' lots of folk,
It seems I had to bribe my whole life through.
Some pol would giggle and I'd give 'em cash,
And some cops would bust me and take my stash,
I tell ya, life ain't easy for a boy named "Hsu."

Well, I grew up quick and I gave Dems loot,
I bought Bill Clinton some Cuban cheroots,
I'd roam from town to town to hide my shame.
But I made a vow to the moon and sun
That I'd help Hillary on her presidential run
And kill that man who gave me that awful name.

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